Drains Built Right.

Curb Coring


 Curb Coring

Eliminate excess water to the street drainage

Water can be difficult to eliminate from your property. One of the most tried and true methods is to run the water to the street where it will flow into a storm drain and be removed completely from your property. We generally recommend this as the best way of disposing of both storm water and groundwater.

First we must design a system to collect the water. This could be a french drain, foundation drain, or downspout drains among others. Once the water is collected we can run it to the street for disposal. If the property has sufficient slope, we can run a gravity discharge line to the street and core a 4.5” hole for discharge. If there isn’t enough slope on the property we can use a sump pump and discharge through a 2” hole in the curb.

To get to the curb in many subdivisions we must first bore underneath the sidewalk. Check out our boring page to learn more about this process.

When we core through the curb we use a specialized diamond coring unit which is purpose-built for this task. Water is used to control the silica dust and keep the bit cool during the process.


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Am I allowed to have a hole through my curb in my neighborhood?

Almost always the answer is yes. We recommend that you get approval through your HOA before the final determination to discharge through the curb is made. If you walk through your neighborhood you will most likely see many other houses with drains running to the street.