Surface water

 Surface Water

Controlling water flow and erosion

Surface water is any water flowing over the surface or pooling on the surface. This includes water from your roof and gutters. Common problems with surface water include puddles, water on patios, water getting into garages, and erosion. Improper grading of a concrete pad can cause water to flow into doorways or pool on the pad. Often the solution for this is a channel drain. A channel drain will collect the water and remove it to a disposal point. Puddles and pooling water as well as moving water can be collected using area drains. The slope of the ground is very important in designing a proper drainage solution. We recommend a slope between 2% and 10%. Less than 2% and you start to have pooling issues. More than 10% and you begin to have erosion and washout problems. Using area drains, retaining walls, grading, and channel drains we can efficiently contain and control your water problems.