Drains Built Right.


A swale cut into a hillside to keep run off water out of the garage and house

A swale cut into a hillside to keep run off water out of the garage and house


 Controlled runoff.

Swales and drainage ditches are important components of a well-designed drainage system. At Yard Drain, we specialize in swale construction, drainage ditch design, grading and drainage, erosion control measures, sustainable drainage systems, stormwater management, French drain installation, soil conservation practices, wetland restoration and management, and other related services.

Swales are shallow ditches that allow water to flow over the surface to a desired disposal point. They are the simplest form of drainage and are used on almost every lot. Our team can adjust the slope, deepen the drain channel, or clean out existing swale drains as well as construct new swales to ensure effective drainage.

It is crucial to maintain an even grade at the center of the drain channel to prevent water from pooling. We typically recommend at least a 2% fall for over the surface drainage. If your swale has less fall and you're experiencing standing water in the drain channel, we can place a French drain in the swale to help drain the excess water.

In addition to facilitating water flow, swales can also be used to divert water to a collection point where a sump pump will remove the water to the desired disposal point. This is particularly useful for properties with low-lying areas that are prone to flooding.

Our team has expertise in soil conservation practices, wetland restoration and management, and other related services. We understand the importance of sustainable drainage systems and can help design and implement solutions to manage stormwater effectively.

If you need assistance with swale construction, drainage ditch design, erosion control measures, or any other related services, contact Yard Drain today. We'll work with you to develop a customized solution that meets your specific needs and protects your property from excess water.

Do you have drainage issues around your lawn or home? Sign up below for a callback from one of our expert drainage team members.

Dry creek with river rock

Grading a swale behind a house to improve drainage

Grading a swale behind a house to improve drainage