Drains Built Right.


  Serving Athens Alabama

YardDrain.com Services Athens Alabama with all of your drainage needs. The topography in Athens is reletively flat and swampy with some rolling hills to the west. The most common problems we encounter in Athens, Ardmore, and Limestone county are related to muddy ground and standing water. Most often the best solutions for these issues are french drains, curtain drains, and area drains.

One of the most efficient ways to correct this is to intall a french drain system which lowers the water table and dries out the surface. These systems are invisible from above but are one of the key components to draining an area with a high water table. Athens has many flat lawns with little to no slope which requres a sump pump to collect the water and dispose of it to a storm drain.

Area drains can be used to collect water from swales, ditches, and puddles in order to dispose of the excess storm water. These catch basins will collect the water and run it underground to a disposal point. If no slope is available a sump pump may be required to remove the water from the property. Tying in your gutter downspouts and disposing of your roof runoff can be a major game changer in lawn draiange control.

Curtain drains are specially designed french drains that will collect groundwater and some surface water before it enters your lawn area and can be especially useful on slopes.

We look forward to serving the residence of Athens Alabama as we work together to create green and beautiful lawns and landscapes. Watch for us in your neighborhood.