Drains Built Right.

Foundation drains


Foundation Drain

A protective barrier around your home

 A foundation drain or perimeter drain is a special type of french drain designed to keep water off of your pad and out of your crawlspace by collecting run off and groundwater before it enters the foundation area.

Design: The design team puts together a plan for the drain based off of the watershed area, groundwater flow, and geographical conditions. Any roof run off and surface water is directed into a separate solid pipe to be disposed of. We build our foundation drains a minimum of 4 inches deeper than the surface of the pad we are protecting. Using manning’s formula we design the drain to maintain a minimum of a 2.5 foot per second water velocity to keep the pipe clean and clear of debris. The drain is designed to handle the groundwater flow plus two inches of rainfall per hour. Like all of our french drains we use a burrito wrap system and #4 gravel to provide maximum longevity and water handling capability. If the drain is too deep to achieve the necessary slope to a disposal point, a sump pump may be added to remove the water. The size of the pump is based off of the watershed area and groundwater flow.