Drains Built Right.

Curtain drains

 Curtain drains

Protecting your property and keeping the neighbor’s water out

Water flowing from a neighbor’s yard onto your property is a common problem. Generally it is caused by improper grading during the development of the properties. A curtain drain can collect that water as soon as it enters your property and keep your lawn dry.

A curtain drain is a type of french drain that is specifically designed to catch both surface and sub-surface water as it enters an area in order to keep that area dry. It acts as a kind of curtain. By digging the drain bed deeper it acts as a barrier to sub surface flowing water. The water hits the gravel in the drain-bed, is directed into the pipe and out to the disposal point. Often, though not always, a curtain drain will have gravel all the way to the surface. This allows and water flowing over the surface to be directed into the drain and disposed of. Crushed limestone can be used although many people prefer the look of river rock or pea gravel on the surface.

Curtain drain underneath a bed of decorative rock

Curtain drain underneath a bed of decorative rock