Drains Built Right.

Area Drains

Efficient surface water control

If you're experiencing lawn water problems, catch basin installation could be the perfect solution. Also known as area drains or drain grates, catch basins are designed to collect and control surface water, making them an essential component of stormwater management and surface water management. Unlike french drains, which can only collect surface water slowly, catch basins can collect a large amount of surface water rapidly, making them ideal for situations where water is flowing quickly. They're also effective for preventing erosion in steep swales.

However, catch basins are prone to accumulating debris, which can clog the pipe and affect the system's performance. The slope and water velocity in the pipe are critical factors that affect how well the catch basin works, and it's important to keep it clean. Yard grading can also help ensure that the water flows efficiently to the disposal point.

Fortunately, our expert contractors can help with the installation and maintenance of catch basins. They can also provide solutions for water drainage problems, including wet yard solutions and surface water management. If you're dealing with low areas in your lawn that collect water, an area drain can be used to collect the water and drain it to a disposal point. Water collection systems like catch basins can help prevent potential water damage issues, and if the desired slope to the disposal point can't be achieved, a sump pump can be used to remove the water from your property.

Don't let lawn water problems get you down. Contact a Yard Drain professional today to learn more about how catch basins and other drainage solutions can help solve your issues.

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